Saturday, September 20, 2008
NP050893 wrote:
How can this clown say it's nobody's fault? 3+ drinks- he belongs in prison, innocent people lost their lives at his hand. I hope you burn in hell
7/2/2008 7:13 PM PDT on
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aimster1973 wrote:
He is a drunk and has stolen the only consolation that the family could have rested in, by saying he is sorry for his crime. He is a very selfish and prideful man incapable of knowing the devastation he has caused for generations. They need to make tougher laws to encourage more responsible behavior from everyone. Driving under the influence of anything controlled kills and destroys lives. The laws for this offense are too lenient because the sin crosses all social and economical groups. My mother was killed by a drunk driver and back in the day only had to do weekend jail time and got off early for good behavior. Does anyone hear me how insane these senseless crimes are??
7/2/2008 7:01 PM PDT on
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Gyunghi wrote:
TedBed, I completely agree with your comments. I'm shocked that the "deletion" of comments that is The Bee, has not occurred here. I am a State worker, and having ... ONE FU#$CKING DRINK during work hours is grounds for dismissal. This guy is a piece of sh%^it. I hope I can kill him with my shotgun after the jury convicts his sorry a#$ss.Arnold, you are a sorry POS, for having this POS in YOUR employ. Pathetic, this guy, and his POS lawyer. His family better watch out for their OWN as@#ses, for we The People, will be hunting them down. Did I mention .. Shotgun???
7/2/2008 5:45 PM PDT on
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SacGirl wrote:
No choice but to accelerate?? Are you freakin' kidding me? How the heck does that make any kind of sense??
7/2/2008 5:17 PM PDT on
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TedBed wrote:
Hey Roberto, Face it dude! Your a drunk! You dont know when to call it quits. The 1st 2 drinks get you feelin good! They pour a good 3 to 4 shots in the glass. They know who your are.. You tip good.. Money no problem. It's not the 2 or 3 drinks it's the amount of booze in the glass! You eat and feel no pain when you walk out the front door... Your a BIG SHOT!! Your buzzed for hours. Look at your face.. It says it all!! I would really like to know. How many drinks have you had since you wreck this car. Have you switched to Vodka? or Gin.............. Dumb ASS
7/2/2008 3:21 PM PDT on
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craftyj64 wrote:
This is part of his story that is on then returned to the Camino Real at 2700 Broadway, where the owner's family was seated. They gave him an "agua horchata," which he said was a rice drink.Vellanoweth said he got up to leave and a member of the family "had a drink on the table. She said, 'Don't leave, have a drink. ... It was orange-pinkish, kind of a reddish top."The woman told him in Spanish it was a "Virgin Kamikaze," implying it did not contain alcohol, and that "when I first took a sip it tasted like orange juice, it was very sweet. It tasted like a sweet drink, I couldn't taste any alcohol.")He can lie about as often as he drinks which seems to be a lot.I believe there is a special place in hell reserved just for this waste of space.
7/2/2008 3:05 PM PDT on
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CurlEgirl wrote:
SacGirl what are virgin kamakazees?? I guess he sucked on a lime then to give an inaccurate reading? The other two ingredients are BOOZE. They just need a bartender to get on the stand to blow that theory.
7/2/2008 2:50 PM PDT on
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SadDadAlso wrote:
Check his desk drawer for the hootch! A person that drinks 3 martini's at lunch may not be able to last an afternoon without some more of the "Devil's Candy" (as Gary Allen puts it).An alcoholic without drink is like Nor Cal without smoke, it's rare these days.
7/2/2008 2:43 PM PDT on
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flossgirl wrote:
This has got to be as low as you can get in life. Killing 4 people because you have a total disregard and a complete lack of respect for anyone else. I understand what his defense attorney is doing but sometimes it just goes too far. I agree that this man should have been able to admit what he did and take the consequences. But all he has done is victimize these poor people twice.
7/2/2008 2:24 PM PDT on
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CurlEgirl wrote:
Thank you CANdrea! I used to tend bar for a few years and I'm calling BS!! 3 martinis myASS! If that were true the family could sue the establishment that served him. BS BS BS! What pills was he popping with those martinis then???
Jennalicious wrote:
I agree with CANDrea! I was reading the story and was confused how he only had 3 Martini's in a span of 1hr 35min, worked a few hours and STILL had a BAC of .15. He is not being truthful about this alcohol intake, THAT'S FOR SURE!!!
7/2/2008 2:18 PM PDT on
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sophiabella1 wrote:
Can you believe that he has not even apologized to the victim's family???? That is what she wanted from the time that it happen (the mother) she needed a sincere apology and admit you where also responsible. I understand that people make mistakes but when you don't take responsibilty for your own actions that is when it becomes a problem. No matter how your attorney spins this to get you off. YOU, YOU know that you are at fault!!! And those words you spoke today will eat you up inside until you tell the truth. Your a parent also, think how the mother is feeling!!!
7/2/2008 1:49 PM PDT on
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longschlong wrote:
This dirtbag polician refuses to take any accountability and now is trying to blame the friend who allegedly bought him a drink while he was in the can. No one forced him to choke down the third Martini. This fool was acting irresponsibly and deserves everyday of the long sentence he's about to receive. If he gets off look out for the riots in the streets. Helter Skelter baby!!
7/2/2008 12:45 PM PDT on
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r2g2CA wrote:
Personally, I do not believe there is ANY excuse for drinking and driving. This poor excuse of a man needs to look into the eyes the families of the people he killed. I am sure he will see only the truth in their eyes ~ GRIEF, LOSS, HEARTBREAK, SORROW. I hope this man is prosecuted to the full extent of the law, and that he has to spend the rest of his days begging for forgiveness. God may forgive this man, but I am sure the families he destroyed by drinking and driving will not ever forgive him or forget his actions. There is NO EXCUSE for drinking and driving. Call a cab, call a friend, ride a bus, or walk home. But PLEASE ~ drinking and driving KILLS innocent people. Please, enjoy your alcohol, but don't threaten the lives of other people by getting behind the wheel. EVER. It just takes a moment to cause an "accident" that could have been prevented. Getting off my soapbox now.
7/2/2008 12:21 PM PDT on
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MrSouthSac wrote:
What a coward.....Placing the blame on the victims is just evil. How can anyone support this guy? Lame Lame Lame...Im sickened by this man. Typicl Vellonawith..Ive had experiences with them before and they are the type taht "sues" to get quick cash or threatens lawsuits just to get their way.
7/2/2008 12:14 PM PDT on
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masonsrule wrote:
I believed he had 3 martinis like when Bush claims God told him to attack Iraq
7/2/2008 12:09 PM PDT on
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juzbeinme wrote:
This is ridiculous! You don't get a .18 BAC 3 or 4 hours after you drink 3 marinis -especially if you are a 200 lb man.
7/2/2008 11:05 AM PDT on
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SacGirl wrote:
If this wasn't so tragic it would be almost comical. I just read the article on the SacBee website and it basically says that the defense admits that he had 3 martinis and concedes that his BAC was twice the legal limit but he wasn't really drunk. He was jet lagged from returning from Argentina the day before and is still placing blame on the other driver. Please!! So what happened to the the virgin kamakazees (sp?) he supposedly drank that caused the BAC test to be inaccurate?So in summary, so far he has brain damage and was too tired. But none of that really matters because the other car was at fault anyways. How is any of that logic?
NEWS 10 Vellanoweth: Drank 3 Martinis Before Deadly Crash
TedBed wrote:
I hope he did't pay his bar tab with a govt. credit card. I would hate to think Mr.& Mrs Taxpayer footed the bill for this one!!!!I would be willing to bet Roberto has a lil liquor chest in his office for those rough mornings after he's been out drinkin all night. It's called a Bracer. I see no help for this jerk.
7/6/2008 8:30 AM PDT on
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dsand8472 wrote:
If I didn't believe in the death penalty before, this would definately help change my mind. I think if he could die several times, I might be in favor of that.
7/3/2008 11:21 PM PDT on
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longschlong wrote:
Is it me or does he look like the latin version of Elmer Fudd? Duuuhhh Huhhhhh Huhhhh........... He is going to jail.
7/3/2008 12:54 PM PDT on
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MikiesGirl wrote:
I am sorry, but people like Mr.Roberto Vellanoweth are a joke to Society! People like him will do and say anything to get out of killing, destroying, maming, and ruining the lives of others. I know I am a Victim of a Drunk Driver and even after a year and a half I am still picking up the pieces of my life. May the Law, the Jury and everyone else, Including his Family (whom are also Victims) see beyond his lies. I say to you, Mr.Roberto Vellanoweth, "Accept your Fate". You did the crime, do your time!!!
7/3/2008 11:23 AM PDT on
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Ferenczy wrote:
This man is a human stain and does not deserve to breathe the same air as the families of his victims. To try and weasel out of his responsibility for murdering 4 people while drunk driving is the act of a heartless man who only cares about himself. If there is a hell, this man will have a very special place there.
7/3/2008 8:29 AM PDT on
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FifthGeneration wrote:
Prayers for those who are no longer present on this Earth to be HUGGED by their' loved ones. Prayers for those same loved ones, as they weather this legal tempest.Blessings on those continuing the investigation into this unhappy business.
7/3/2008 8:19 AM PDT on
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DenverDan wrote:
Holy smokes. The guy is drinking during the day...martinis...what, does he thinks this is the sixties? And the 'virgin kamakaze'? Does he know what's in a kamakaze? With the exception of a little lemon it's all booze. It's a little like telling someone you had a 'virgin Long Island iced tea'. And the 'accident' thing. He just addded 5 years to his sentence. Oh...and let's not avoid a head on it's good to hammer the accelerator. Page 4 in the driving manual....'To avoid witnesses when imminent collision occurs it is best to accelerate to the highest speed possible'. Not only is this guy a liar but a DUMB one. He's fried...the dumb monkey even supplied the propane to his own barbeque.
7/3/2008 7:46 AM PDT on
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Ballah wrote:
I just loved to watch this play out. What a joke these people are. I mean just so full shite. He was drunk and killed 4 people end of story. But he has money to burn so lets just sit back and enjoy this bonfire. Shall we. No smores for me. Thanks though. I just do do marshmmellows, but you go ahead. So cozy here isn't.
7/3/2008 7:11 AM PDT on
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woodgrain wrote:
I guess he's a NASCAR fan. "when in doubt, punch it!"
7/2/2008 9:31 PM PDT on
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mmjoe2000 wrote:
He had a BAC of .16? There is no question he was drunk.
7/2/2008 8:00 PM PDT on
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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